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Training: videos, manuals and online help

CONTACTfile or ContactMaker

Rather read the manual (.pdf)?
Perhaps you've arranged an online help session?

(Note that whilst CONTACTfile is mentioned throughout these videos, the subject matter applies just as well ContactMaker.)

Getting Started

I’ve downloaded CONTACTfile, where do I start

Video: Starting up, setting up, and closing down (3 minutes)
What details can I record about my contacts? Video: Entering new contacts (2 minutes)
Video: Customising (3 minutes)
I’ve been using Excel spreadsheets to store my
information. How do I get it to CONTACTfile?
Video: Importing from Excel
(3 minutes)
How do I keep my information safe? Video: One way of backing up your data (1 minute)

Sorting and searching

I have types of customers or members.  How can I record this? How can I manage them all?

Video: Using contact manager (5 minutes)
(2.5 minutes)
How can focus groups help organise my business and maximimise profit? Video: Using focus groups (3 minutes)
I know how to use the search box in CONTACTfile’s Contact Manager – now I want to do a more complex search. How do I do this? Video: The advanced data extractor / advanced reporting (5 minutes)

Using CONTACTfile data elsewhere

How can I automatically embed my data into Microsoft Word documents, so I don’t have to type it all out again? Video: Using mergeable Word templates (3 minutes)
But how do I create the Word template in the first place? Video: Making Word templates (4 minutes)

For the technically-minded

  1. Where's my data? (2 minutes)
  2. Using an Office PC and a laptop - one person, two computers - by utilising Dropbox (4 minutes)

Projects and the Project manager

What's this all about? Can I have an overall picture?

Video: Understanding projects (3 minutes)






What is the process for dealing with lead generation opportunities?

Video: Keeping on top of your lead generation opportunities
(5 minutes)
I have a spreadsheet in Microsoft Excel which
shows what I charge for each product or service.  How can I get that information into CONTACTfile without typing it out again?
Video: Importing the item list from Excel (2 minutes)

Videos were created by Heather Godfrey and are © BarnData Ltd.
Contact File
Our old database was overloaded and time-consuming to use. We were recommended CONTACTfile by Steyning Horticultural Society and have been delighted with the product. It is easy to use and enables us to quickly extract information about our contacts, which now amounts to over 500 names. [More]
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contact file from BarnData Ltd
© BarnData Ltd. All rights reserved. Company number 5893579, Registered in England and Wales
VAT no 892 4620 05 WISBECH, Cambridgeshire PE14 0HQ Tel: 0800 01 968 10.